Attend A Meet & Greet

Attend A Meet & Greet

We invite visitors to join us at a Meet & Greet! Enjoy a cup of coffee and visit with Pastor Keith, his wife, Kerry, and some of our staff. Ask questions about our church's mission and ministry, and learn how your family can get connected at CBC.

Click the button below to let us know you are new, and we will be sure to invite you to the next Meet & Greet. Our next Meet & Greets are on September 29 and October20 at 9:45am. We can't wait to meet you!

Meet & Greet Sign-up

Find Community

Find Community

Scripture calls believers "stir one another up to love and good works" (Heb 10:24). This happens as we gather and share life together. If you desire to grow in your walk with God and engage in this ministry of "one another", we encourage you to plug in to our community!

We have Equipping Communities, which meet on Sunday Morning. New classes & teachers start with Fall Kickoff on September 8, so it is a great time to get involved! Click below to learn more.

Serve Others

Serve Others

Scripture refers to church as a "body" with many members. Each of us has a part to play in a healthy, growing church. We do this by sharing our resources (time and money) in the local church. God has equipped us for ministry and empowered us to to serve and share.

Click below to learn about ways you can serve and give. Also, stop by the Welcome Desk to grab a Ministry Opportunities Guide to help you find your spot in our church family to worship, grow, serve, and share!

Join the Family

Join the Family

Get Baptized: Believer's baptism is commanded in scripture as a public declaration of a person’s faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Through baptism, the Christian is proclaiming the spiritual reality of a person’s death to sin and resurrection to new life in Christ. Our next Baptism Class is on September 29 at 1pm for Children, Youth, and Adults. Part 2 of the Children's class is on October 13 at 11am. These classes are required to be part of the Baptism Services on October 27.

Become a Member: Our Welcome Home! class is designed for both newcomers looking to see who we are and for those looking to join in membership. Welcome Home Sessions are offered twice a year. You must complete the class to apply for membership. Our next class starts September 8 at 9:45am. If there is a high interest in membership, we might do an alternate class not on a Sunday morning.

If you are interested in learning more about membership or baptism, click the link below and let us know.

Interested in Joining the Family