Baptism Class
Baptism classes are held at CBC 1-2 time per year. This class is in preparation for the May 5, 2023 Celebration Services.

Registration closed on Sunday, May 2, 2021

We invite you to follow Jesus by making a public profession of faith at a baptism service. To participate, adults must attend a one-session baptism class. Youth and children have a two-session class. Classes occur on Sunday during the afternoon and/or morning service.

Baptism Class


kids Room 130/ Adults Room 112


Deb Rohrkaste
(920) 725-3896


Kids will have the second required class on May 23 at 8:45am in Room 133.  Adults will need to schedule their baptism testimony video at the first class.  Baptism Service is on June 20.

Registration closed on Sunday, May 2, 2021